
Yogurt Parfait

Friday, October 5, 2018

We really like yogurt parfait for a quick, easy, and healthy breakfast. Some side options for this recipe is eggs and (of course) toast (because we can't live a day without eating at least 5 pieces of toast). 

Some fruit topping we use are blueberries, strawberries, peaches, raspberries and bananas. 


  • Yogurt*
  • Granola
  • Fruit**
  1. Put Yogurt in your cup 1/4 of the way high
  2. Put Granola in next 1/4 of the way
  3. Put another layer of yogurt in 1/4 of the way
  4. Put the fruit in the rest of the way
  5. Optional, put more yogurt at the top
* I use half plain yogurt and half flavored yogurt.
** We usually use frozen fruit but it is really good with fresh fruit

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